Kicking A Dead Horse by Sam Shepard, Almeida Theatre, 7 September 2008

A rare visit to the theatre on a Sunday – rare time for a theatre show too; 18:00.

The Almeida had a short run of this short piece by Sam Shepard – click here for the Almeida resource on this production; yes, Almeida on-line stuff goes back this far!

This was a joint production with The Abbey Theatre in Dublin; hence the excellent Stephen Rea.

Our view; certainly not Shepard at his best but Stephen Rea would probably hold our attention while painting a ceiling.

Landscape by Harold Pinter, Cottesloe Theatre, 3 December 1994

Janie and I were very keen on Pinter and also very keen on Complicite, so we took the opportunity to see both on one Saturday during that crazy autumn during which Z/Yen was born.

According to my contemporary log:

Landscape is a short play, seen late afternoon/early evening before seeing “Out of a House Walked a Man”. Very good.

Ian Holm and Penelope Wilton. Top notch performers both,with great Pinter pedigrees too.

Here is the Theatricalia link on this production.

Wikipedia describes this short play thus.

Michael Coveney reviewed this production:

Coveney On LandscapeCoveney On Landscape Sun, Nov 27, 1994 – 84 · The Observer (London, Greater London, England) ·

Here’s Michael Billington’s review:

Billington On LandscapeBillington On Landscape Sat, Nov 26, 1994 – 30 · The Guardian (London, Greater London, England) ·

A TV version of this production was broadcast on the BBC in 1995. Someone has upped it to YouTube here:

We were very taken with this piece.

Then on to see the Complicite piece: