Wall by David Hare, Royal Court Theatre, 14 March 2009

Wall is a companion piece for Berlin, which we saw a few days earlier at The Lyttelton.

Wall only ran for a few nights, so we did well to catch it. I thought Via Dolorosa was a fine piece, laced with great drama as well as interesting things to say. This felt comparatively preachy, about the ghastly Israel-Palestine separation barrier.

Perhaps it is so clear to me that the barrier is a bad idea, that being lectured about it by David Hare seemed surplus to requirements.

I saw the links with Berlin of course, but enjoyed the Wall part less and certainly learnt less.

Our friend Michael Billington loved it in the Guardian – click here.

Rafael Behr wrote highly of it too in the Observer – click here.

I’m glad to have the text of both and I’m sure a re-read would be interesting, especially now (as I wrote in May 2017) that walls and barriers are back in fashion.