If you’ve got a picture of an animal being conspicuously indifferent to cricket, please send it to king@kingcricket.co.uk.
Daisy writes:
Ged and I went to Radlett, where we joined “Yorkshire Simon” at the Middlesex v Durham match.
Simon presented us with a prized yellow courgette.
I photographed Ged with said vegetable.

The photograph might represent:
a) A vegetable being conspicuously indifferent to cricket;
b) Ged being conspicuously indifferent to his “rude vegetable picture” pose;
c) Yorkshire Simon being conspicuously indifferent to the Middlesex v Durham cricket match
Surely the King Cricket readership should decide what this photograph depicts.
The vegetable doesn’t seem indifferent. On the contrary. It seems quite excited.
Some months ago this website featured a picture of Ged wearing a dubious pair of shorts. This is far worse.
The answer is B.
Daisy expresses regret for her occasional association with a smart phone camera in regrettable circumstances.
Daisy also states that she never intended to malign my character, nor that of Yorkshire Simon nor that of the courgette.