No need to hold on to your hats for this diary entry, readers. 20 June 1979 is not one of the more exciting ones:

School OK. Exec meeting – all OK
But like the best Greek dramas, the exciting stuff is all happening just off stage.
This was the year during which I went out with Gillian for many months – several mentions of those activities on the preceding and subsequent pages.
The perceptive reader / interpreter might notice that I describe the youth club meeting the night before as “near revolution”. That can only be to do with the welfare day we were busy organising, with representatives from all around the Southern Region due to descend on our tiny little Streatham enclave on 1 July. I’ll take soundings and write up that whole near-drama soon (he writes in June 2019).
And those keen on drama might note that I sat my AO-level Drama that week. B was the result of that, if I recall correctly.
But the diary is entirely silent about the fact that the England cricket team, who for sure were very much on my mind still that summer, as indeed they were every summer, won a world cup semi-final thriller against New Zealand that day:
Here is a link to the scorecard and Cricinfo resources.
While this link takes you to some video of the match, which I might myself watch some day…but not today.