Shahil And Sega Records, Mauritius, 29 July 1979

An overview of my 1979 trip to Mauritius, courtesy of the wonderfully hospitable Biltoo family, can be found by clicking here or below:

Here is an extract from my seventh letter, which is in effect my diary entry for 29 July 1979:

Anyway, on Sunday, although we were going to go fishing, it was decided that we were too tired, so we had a lazy day and will go fishing at a later date.

In the morning we did an awful lot of nothing at all. Just before lunch another of Anil’s cousins Shahil came to lunch and for the afternoon. He is from the side of the family that we don’t talk about, but he is accepted cause he’s nice. He is 17, which makes him good company for us. In the afternoon he took Anil and me out around Rose Hill, and then to a garden fete. In the evening we all danced Sega (Shahil brought some [records, presumably] with him) and thus we spent the evening until bedtime.

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