An overview of my 1979 trip to Mauritius, courtesy of the wonderfully hospitable Biltoo family, can be found by clicking here or below:
Here is an extract from my ninth letter, which is in effect my diary entry for 5 August 1979:
This morning we got ready to leave, which we will do straight after lunch. I won’t be too sad to leave, as although it has made a real break there has not been all that much to do here and I look forward to getting back to bustling, jolly town life.
7 August 1979:
Well straight after lunch that day we did leave and got back about 3 o’clock to find the house seeming stale. It was almost like returning home but in a strange sort of way.

Garçon went over to Marraz’s – Marraz was supposed to come to dinner. He didn’t come. But Garçon brought some letters for me including yours and Gillian’s (which was like both sides of the same story from different angles). I get the impression that Gillian and friend must have wandered off, because Rebecca is very reliable as far as that sort of thing is concerned.
I knew that you hadn’t heard from me as early as the 25th, as Mrs B told Mr B you’ve got your first on 26. It does take as long as 10 days sometimes, and sometimes only 5 or 6. You also tend to get letters in bulk, so I’m told.
Anyway, we had dinner with Janee’s brother that night and turned in early.