Subsequent to my visit to Mauritius in July & August 1979 to visit the Biltoo family, now documented at length on Ogblog…
…I received several letters from the good people I met there. My transcriptions of these letters received might dabble a little with the grammar and spelling but are largely verbatim transcriptions.
This one is from Beena Mohonee (one of Anil Biltoo’s cousins by marriage through Janee Biltoo, Garçon Biltoo’s wife’s family). I am pretty sure she is one of these two young ladies:

First my dictated transcription and then a scan of the airmail letter itself.
Dear Ian,
It’s a great pleasure to send you this letter. I do hope that you are enjoying yourself very much as well as your mum and dad.
As far as I am concerned, me and my parents are all well.
Well Ian, I hope that you have well reached England and that you have not forgotten us. Here we are awaiting a letter from you but since now no letter has come. What about you relate me a bit about what you’re doing if you are busy studying.
Ian, here we think of you and Anil very much, and Auntie Janee has got a letter from Anil in which he sends his best regards. Hope that Anil is also well and that he is studying more seriously.
Well Ian what about your pictures which you took in Mauritius?
Those at the seaside and of the party. I would like and I am waiting impatiently to see the photo I long to have seen and to have our photo. Specially those we took together with you and all the family.
Ian please send me the photo on my own address. Well Ian here I’m working as you know I’m studying at the same time. So life is more complicated for me as I have so much to do.
Well, I hope that you will be happy on receiving my letter and I do hope that you will send me a reply as soon as possible. I send you all the best regards of my sister and mum. Please do not forget my picture.
I and here hope to hear from you very soon.
Please send my kind regards to Anil and others.
From your unforgettable friend,