Subsequent to my visit to Mauritius in July & August 1979 to visit the Biltoo family, now documented at length on Ogblog…
…I received several letters from the good people I met there. My transcriptions of these letters received might dabble a little with the grammar and spelling but are largely verbatim transcriptions.
This one is from Nanda Soniassy, one of Anil Biltoo’s cousins. Here is a picture of me and Nanda:

First my dictated transcription and then a scan of the airmail letter itself.
Dear Ian,
I must first thank you very much for your letter which I received two weeks ago. I hope that you are enjoying good health; at home, we are all fine. Anil’s father wrote, a week after his arrival. We also got a postcard from Colette who is in France.Hope you’ll be sending us the photos as you promised.
Have you been talking to your friends about Mauritius? We had a nice time together didn’t we? Unluckily time went away quickly.I’m now preparing for my school certificate. My exams begin on the 22nd of October and as you see, there is not much time left. I also have a lot of things to do and I am very busy.
You are also busy with your studies and I wish you the best. What about Anil? I’ve not heard from him since his departure. When you meet him, tell him that I am still waiting for a letter for from him.
Your parents were glad to see you back. Did they like the gifts you brought for them? I did not have time to thank you for the present you gave me before your departure. I must thank you very much for it and every time I look at it, I think of you.Hope Anil has stopped teasing you. You remember <Ian l’Âne>. You and Anil were always fighting in Mauritius.
When you send me the photos, send some photos of your parents as well. I also do not have much time to spend nevertheless. I will try to write to you as often as I can.
I leave you here as I have nothing else to tell you. Give my kind regards to your grandmother and your parents. Kiss Anil for me (on the two cheeks).Hope to hear from you soon.
Lots of love and kisses to you. Bye sincerely, Nanda
[many X’s]