Subsequent to my visit to Mauritius in July & August 1979 to visit the Biltoo family, now documented at length on Ogblog…
…I received several letters from the good people I met there. My transcriptions of these letters received might dabble a little with the grammar and spelling but are largely verbatim transcriptions.
This one, from Anil Gooly (one of Anil Biltoo’s cousins), is the first of two letters he sent me.

First my dictated transcription and then a scan of the airmail letter itself.
A fortnight has already elapsed since we received your letter stamped the 22nd of September. It’s only now that I have taken pen and airmail for the purpose of writing to you.
Well, my apologies for not writing earlier, and thanks a lot for your letter.
Well, before going on further, Ian, I am quite happy to learn that you enjoyed your stay very much in our island and you are giving talks about Mauritius in your country. Personally, I think it’s a good idea to sell Mauritius – as you seem to be doing through your talks – this may or will no doubt help our tourist industry.
I hope that you are quite fine and so are your parents. Over here, in Mauritius, we are all okay and everyone is back to duty, studies and so on. I myself have now resumed work at the beginning of September. Actually I am quite busy with the preparation of examination papers and so on.
Yes, Ian what about the photos that you had snapshot in Mauritius. Are they all fine? I think that they must mean much to you and reflect, so to say, your stay in Mauritius.
It would be a good idea for you to send a copy of them (I mean those you took for us) or better the negatives so that we may have them developed locally.
Ian, I am seizing this opportunity to ask you to do something for me. I don’t know whether it will be possible or you are taken up completely, but please try your best. You know, I need some old copies of the magazine New Society for years 1976 or 1977 and some copies of The Times (daily newspaper) for year 1976 (preferably March – April) and I will ask you to look for them. Ask Anil [Biltoo] to help you. If, however, you lay hands on the above material, please buy them for me and give me the bill (the overall costs) so that I might send your money. If you have them please post them without delay.
By the way, have your parents already left for Yugoslavia? Convey my kind regards to them.
I hope that you are writing in the near future,