With thanks to Alison Shindler for the photo, taken somewhere between Glasgow & Preston, 12 October 1980. Me, Simon Jacobs, Caroline Freeman, Lauren Sterling, Emma Cohen, Warren, Maxine…
I went up to Keele University on 8 October 1980. It was Simon Jacobs’s fault, as told in the story linked here and below:
Not only did I throw myself into student life I also continued attempting to serve on the National Executive of BBYO.
Here’s an extract from my diary from what should have been my first weekend at Keele:
Saturday 11 October 1980 – Lecture by Vice Chancellor -> Glasgow -> open house -> hosts for din-dins -> disco/dance till v late (feeling ill)
Sunday 12 October 1980 – YCC (non quorate in morning – farcical) -> hosts lunch -> installation -> home with Londoners (as far as Preston) – went to bar on return.
Un-named hosts in Glasgow – apologies to whoever it was and thank you for your hospitality.
I suspect that my feeling ill had something to do with the copious quantity of drinking I’d been doing to prepare for and in my first few days at Keele; nothing to do with Glasgow BBYO.
I don’t clearly recall what a YCC was but I’m sure it was very important and certainly must have been farcical without a quorum.
Preston to Keele on a Sunday evening would have been a non-trivial journey in those days. I’m guessing Crewe and then a cab.
I then spent a couple of weeks being a fresher…
…and then being a bolshie little devil…
…before knuckling down to a week of being Jewish & BBYOish all over again.

Monday 27 October 1980 – not bad day. Relaxing evening, good fun (Clive Lawton – J Soc etc.)

Tuesday 28 October 1980. Not bad day. Went straight after politics to Scarborough [Northern Region Convention] – film, casino etc. Jay’s resigning.

Wednesday 29 October 1980 – slept well. Speakers (Janice [Leberman – Rebecca Lowi’s successor], mayor, divorce) programme, AGM, cunted votes, installations, life [membership for those who had served]. (felt ill went to bed)
Feeling ill seemed to be par for my course those weeks. I think I was overdoing everything, frankly.
Thursday 30 October 1980 – left v early. Got back just in time for law. Guiness [sic] evening – good fun. Went to Mike’s for coffee.

I think Mike was one of Simon Jacobs’s friends in those early days; perhaps from his hall of residence or perhaps from one of his courses.
Friday 31 October 1980 – Good day. Went home after history. Good journey, enjoyed it.
Saturday 1 November 1980 – Left house fairly early, went SR [Southern region] convention – skits, songs etc.
Sunday 2 November 1980 – SR Convention – business, reports, AGM, v good. (Got all in who wanted). Installation awards, life, went home…
Monday 3 November 1980 …Ben’s van [must be Ben Davidson, whom I knew from Alleyn’s School and who was at Keele] got back (around 4?0 Late start in morn. Easy day.
In truth I remember little about those regional conventions, but that doesn’t stop other former BBYOniks with better memories or who were better placed to remember those particular conventions to chip in with details.
To be honest, I don’t even remember whether that Southern Region one was in Brighton or Oxford or possibly even somewhere else.
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