The 1981 Easter vacation proved to be a bit of a mix tape-thon for me and my friends. This is the first of three cassette mix tapes that Graham Greenglass made up for me. My diary refers to them only indirectly, but Graham visited me and Simon Jacobs at Keele towards the end of the Easter term and my diary says, amongst other things:
Sunday 15 March – Lazy day. Made up Graham’s tapes. Cooked in evening.
Tuesday 17 March – Work Ok. Lunched with Graham…
…so am pretty sure that the swap occurred then. What I put on the tapes I made up for Graham is almost certainly lost in the mists of time.
It was a similar arrangement to the mix tape swaps I undertook with Paul Deacon that same vacation:
…except that the Paul Deacon arrangement was sustained for several years, whereas this Easter 1981 multi-cassette swap was the high and final water mark of the “GG Swaps”, as I have referred to them ever since.
This first of the three was a superbly eclectic mix on Side One (see headline picture), which I shall try to replicate with YouTube links below on this article, followed by Leonard Cohen’s Greatest Hits on Side Two (see below), which I shall sample only.

The other thing to mention, before launching into the YouTubes, is that my numbering system for cassettes was a number sequence based on sides, so cassette 169-170 was the 85th cassette in my collection, which mostly consisted of scrapes from my reel-to-reels with some scrapes from my LPs and just a few mix tapes at that time.
OK, here goes, pop pickers. Or should I say, new wave pickers?
3 thoughts on “Graham Greenglass Easter Holidays 1981 Mix Tapes – Tape One Of Three, 17 March 1981”