Side One Of Paul Deacon’s 7″ Spool Mix Tape, 15 April 1981

Paul Deacon really went to town that 1981 Easter holidays, making me a couple of seriously superb mix tape spools. The 5″ spool came with a fact sheet dated 11 April 1981:

The 7″ Spool (twice as long) has a fact sheet dated 15 April 1981. I’m splitting the sheet into Side One and Side Two to make these Ogblog postings just about manageable in size.

Splitting the two spools into three postings in this way more or less equates with the three cassettes I ripped from the two spools. Those cassettes got a lot of play at Keele over the years, especially that summer of 1981. But more on that anon.

Here is the play list, as best I can make it up from YouTube links at the time of writing, forty years on from that Easter of 1981:

No recording available for Contrast, Hey That’s No Way To Say Goodbye.

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