The Browning Version is one of Rattigan’s best known plays, originally performed, as it was in the production we saw, jointly with Harlequinade. This Wikipedia piece explains all that background and has good links.
I have little recollection of this particular production and midweek evening at the theatre with Bobbie.
Starry cast, we saw, with Paul Eddington and Dorothy Tutin as the Crocker-Harris couple in The Browning Version. The same cast and crew performed/produced both plays.
Here is the Theatricalia entry for this production of The Browning Version.
Below is Steve Goldman’s Guardian review:
Below is Kate Kellaway’s Observer review:
I think I concluded that Rattigan isn’t really my thing when I saw these plays. It all seemed rather old-fashioned in style, although I do also recall that there were interesting themes and the plays were well written.
Bobbie might remember more…but I doubt it.