The exact details of this gathering will doubtless be lost in the mists of time, but…
went to Sharani & Mark’s
…must mean that the gathering started at their place, which, from memory, was in Gibson Square.
Fredericks remains, as I write some 30 years later, a sprauncy Islington eatery…
with B+ crowd
…must mean Bobbie (who was my link with this crowd; Bobbie &
Sharani were fellow law reporters). The crowd probably included Ying Hui Tan, Peter (Ying Hui’s then beau), Maria (who ended up living in Clanricarde Gardens years later) Paul McGrath (Maria’s then beau) and possibly some others.
I’m going to guess that the purpose of the gathering was to celebrate Bobbie’s birthday with her. I’m also going to guess that it was a very jolly evening with good food and wine.