A Weekend Without Janie By The Looks Of It, 6 to 8 November 1992

My diary shows me playing bridge with Daniel & Marianne on the Friday evening (probably also with Andrea).

Then it shows spending the day on Saturday with Michael Mainelli writing “Zen Things You Wanted To Know About Business”…which was the working title of the subsequent hit book Clean Business Cuisine...

…what do you mean, haven’t read it?

It’s as topical now as it was when it was written…

…it’s set c500 b.c.e. for goodness sake…

...read all about it here…

…or better still, buy it here.

Anyway, it looks as though Janie worked all day on the Saturday and there is no sign in the diaries of us seeing each other on the Sunday. There are some electronic signs of me working on my canon of NewsRevue material ahead of the Christmas run, that Sunday.

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