I’m not sure how I missed this one on my first electronic pass, as I do have an electronic copy of the letter. I’m guessing that Harriet must have given Ben my phone number.
The first of much too-ing and fro-ing with Ben, who was an Irish comedy performer based in the South-West. Here is a link to the tag showing all of my interactions with him posted so far.
I mention the White House song – I wonder what the other one was?:
20 November 1992
Dear Ben,
Thank you for calling me yesterday regarding my lyrics. I enjoyed talking with you about them.
I enclose the two songs you requested. The White House song I have slightly revamped for you into a solo version. (I also enclose the original duo version for your information).
As we agreed, these two songs are £10 each for you to try, plus a further £15 each should you decide to use them as a regular feature in your live show. As we discussed, this agreement covers live performance only and is non-exclusive.
Should you wish to use the material for other purposes (e.g. broadcast, publication or recording) we would need to discuss terms. Please note that in most of these circumstances you would also need permission from the publishers of the music. I imagine that your agents would be able to help you with these arrangements should the need arise.
I understand that you are performing in London in the near future and that some of the News Revue crowd are planning to see your show. I shall try to make myself available for that trip.
I shall give some thought to the styles that we discussed on the phone and may have a go at writing some lyrics along those lines. By all means get in touch if you think of anything else you want.
I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you soon. Thank you once again for your interest in my material.
Yours sincerely