Photo by Achim Raschka, CC BY-SA 3.0
Not really our sort of thing, but Kim persuaded me and Janie to join her and Micky at Circus Space on the Caledonian Road.
Now (he says, writing in December 2019) known as the National Centre for Circus Arts and based in Hackney, this training organisation for circus skills has long raised funds by putting on shows for the public.
Kim was a fan and we went along to give it a look-see.
I’m not a fan of circuses, my main beef being to do with making caged animals perform. Kim has an even more profound animal rights thing than I do, so her choice of Circus Space reflected the fact that they do not (or at least did not) do any animal related stuff.

I remember coming away from the evening feeling that the performers were very accomplished and that they deserve a decent audience…
…but it only reinforced my view that circus-type performance isn;t really for me.
Janie barely remembers the evening at all – unusually for her when it comes to performance-related memories. I think the circus was a big turn-off for her.

Oh well.
We’ll have had a nice meal and will have enjoyed the evening together despite the circus, I am sure.