Annalisa’s Party, 6 December 1992

Writing 27 years later, there is no way that Janie and I would dash from the airport to a party these days.

But the postscript to Janie’s and my first little sojourn away from Blighty – to see Venice…

…was just such a dash – to Annalisa de Mercur’s party.

I hope it was a good one. They usually were.

This one was on a Sunday, so I’m guessing it was lunch/afternoon into early evening that time.

Quite possibly it went on quite deep into the evening.

Janie’s diary suggests that we arrived back at heathrow at 11.05, so I suppose that did enable us to dump our luggage, wash and dash into Marylebone (probably via my place) to the party by early/mid afternoon.

There will have been bagels.

Annalisa usually served lots of mini bagels.

There will have been lots of people too – many of them former Keele folk.

This was probably the first time that Janie met many of the people there; Kate Fricker (probably) and Annie Bickerstaff (almost certainly). Were John and Mandy there on that occasion?

Postscript: John has chimed in by message witha confession that he and Mandy were there. But no additional information was forthcoming.

Other details lost in the mists of time.

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