Pot Night, NewsRevue Lyric, 6 March 1995

By March 1995 it was nearly five years since I’d had a TV in my flat. This rendered me suitably non-expert to opine on pretentious-sounding TV shows I’d never seen.

Especially disloyal of me, this one, as I was indirectly doing a bit of work for Channel 4 at that time.

I don’t think this lyric was used much, if at all, but it is short and sharp; I like it, especially the first verse.

(To the Tune of “Top Cat”)

Pot Night;
The ineffectual,
Pot Night;
When intellectual,
Berks drone ever on Channel 4,
About their spliff back in ’64.
Pot Night,
Cos Channel 4 are so desperate to offend;
You’ll get eight hours of shit,
But you won’t get a hit,
So turn off, tune out,
Pot Night.


Red Light;
The institution says,
Red Light;
For prostitution’s a-,
‘Nother ponderous Channel 4 theme,
Someone dreamed up in a wet dream.
Red Light,
It’s unbelievable but they’ve made it dull;
Bores on sex, bores on drugs,
Someone please pull the plug,
And show Channel 4
A Red Light!!

If you want to see the opening sequence, sing along yourself and see the Top Cat lyrics/music, then click the first vid.  If you want to hear the original song sung, click the second. Well worth a look/listen at both:

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