Went out to moonstone mines to search for gems…

Each pair bought something. I got rubies for mum and dad’s ruby wedding. Saw mines and crude manufacture

I think the merchants were pretty honest ones. Of course the gems were not rubies – not in that part of the world, but they were pink sapphires, which are still precious and I didn’t pay all that much for them. They made a very nice gift when made up into an anniversary ring for mum later that year.
Lunch at Ramonas – gambas and tuna. Lazed around pool and in sea for rest of day.

Light supper in coffee shop in evening.
Part Two of our two-part photo album for this Sri Lanka trip can be viewed through the flickr link below – there are 75 photos therein:

Real gluttons for photo punishment can see raw scans of all 430 photos we took unedited and unlabelled here: