The collective memory (Ged & Daisy) of this part of the trip is a bit foggy. Ros might be able to help us to fill in one or two gaps.
We arrived in Izmir in the afternoon of 11th and collected our Avis car, which was to be our companion for the next week.
I’m not sure why we ended up at the Izmir Palace Hotel for a couple of nights; perhaps Lonely Planet recommendations, perhaps Ros suggested that combination for our routing.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure that, once we had collected our car and navigated the Izmir traffic, we didn’t much fancy doing anything else that day we arrived. I’m sure we had a decent meal, either at the Hotel itself or somewhere recommended nearby.

We had arranged to see Ros the next day. I think she lived in Kuşadası at that time, so the plan was to meet at/near Ephesus, which Daisy and I were in any case very keen to see.
I think we met Ros at the House of Virgin Mary on Mount Koressos. I’m pretty sure Ros took the following picture of us there:

We have no photographic evidence of Ros joining us that day, but I am sure she did, at least for a while. Whether she came all around the Ephesus ruins with us or not I cannot recall. I do remember her not wanting to be photographed that day, although she relented on the matter of photographs when we met up with her again on the way back from our road trip, at the very end of our visit to Turkey.
Ros might remember this day better and/or differently.
Anyway, here are some of our photos from the fabulous ruins of Ephesus.

There are more photos of Ephesus and of course the whole trip available to view on Flickr here or below.