Started at National Museum of Damascus. Saw antiquities from all over and especially Dura-Europos Synagogue and Ugaritic written cylinders…
We were not allowed to take photos in the museum.

…on to small mosque (Tekkiye) & then artisan crafts area (glass blowing, carving etc.).

Then walked to old town via beautiful old railway station and then entered souk. Shopped lots –

Unlike other towns in Syria, the Damascus souk seemed heavily policed by overt and covert cops. When merchants wanted to transact in hard currency in Damascus, it was a secretive operation well away from prying eyes.

went to have shawarma at Abu Al-Azz

…then on to see Umayyad Mosque (splendid) and Saladin’s Tomb & wander round old part near Azem Palace – saw Dar Anbar (grand house).

…tea at Omayyad Palace restaurant…

…and then more shopping (worry beads) and then to see Roman Arch & Chapel of Ananias

…and then a final shop till we drop stop.

Quick change and hotel and back to Abu Al-Azz for dinner with live music, whirling dervish, nargilah and dancing.

By gosh that was a big and thoroughly wonderful day.
A placeholder & links covering the whole journey can be found through the link here and below:
All the photos from the Syrian leg of our journey can be found here or below: