Our sole navigation device – which might be described as a “map nav”
Janie and I had a superb action and fun packed driving holiday in Morocco in the autumn of 1997.
I have now written this up from my travel logs as part of my “25 years on” series. You can start by clicking here or below if you like reading forwards:
Alternatively, if you like reading stories backwards, you can start with the ending here or below:
For enthusiasts of highly summarised words and pictures, the itinerary is shown below, followed by links to the photo albums, which contain over 200 items of eye candy, such as this one:

Below is a scan of the itinerary, which we arranged through Steppes East:

Below are the two photo albums (just over 100 photos each) on Flickr:
6 thoughts on “A Driving Holiday In Morocco, 7 to 21 November 1997, Placeholder & Links”