Mount Popa & Popa Village
Set off for Mount Popa and Kalaw – first stop a small palm sugar, hut (cottage industry) [and plantation]…

…then on to Mount Popa (Popa Village initially) where we faffed around with cases and stuff, I took coconut water…

… and then we visited the Nat’s Palace – climbed up Mount Popa (700 steps), passing traders, monkeys, floor sweepers, etc. Stunning view at the top (not least the village below).

…Daisy scored a bull’s-eye in the money Buddha, winning merits rather than money. Long climb down I tried but failed to twist my ankle. Then off to stunning Mount Popa Resort for splendid view and good lunch with Thai beef salad.

After lunch – headed off for long drive through Kyaukpadaung (palm sugar capital). Then stopped at Meiktila for soft drink, stretch legs (Kyaw went off to buy wood to repair my case). Then through Tazie – then Bo village Yinmabin. (Dusk, lots of people walking around, truckers take lunch)…

…then, as it got dark through villages [we] got a flat just before Nan Pan Tat – (even more frustrating because we got overtaken again by the traffic jam of trucks, which had held us up before the flat) – eventually reached Ye Ya (4 miles from Kalaw), and then Kalaw at 8:30 !!

Dinner late included sesame chicken I liked and fish with black beans, which Daiso liked. Relatively cold night in clean but slightly spartan Pine Hill Resort.
The photographs from this day are pictures 41 to 59 in this Flickr album – click here or below:

A placeholder piece which shows the full itinerary and has links to the albums of all our photographs for this trip can be found by clicking here or the link below: