Janie, Me & MTT At The Barbican, 18 April 1999

As if being spotted by Elvis Costello at the theatre wasn’t enough celebrity stuff for one weekend…

…we also went to The Barbican Hall to see Michael Tilson Thomas, at the behest of Josh Robison, Michael’s partner/business manager and latterly husband. Janie had started to treat those two a year or so earlier.

MTT more recently

It seemed only polite to go, not least because there was to be a reception after the concert etc.

We heard:

  • Symphony No 21 in A, Joseph Haydn
  • Viola Concerto, Bela Bartok
  • Symphony No 2 in D Major Op 43, Jean Sibelius

We hoity-toitied a bit after the show at the party. I got to meet Josh but only saw MTT from afar.

All good stuff.

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