Dinner With The Family: A 70th Birthday Do For The Duchess, 3 July 1999

Pie depicted – Alpha from Melbourne, Australia, CC BY-SA 2.0

Judging by all the scribbles in Janie’s diary, she put a heck of a lot of effort into arranging a family do at Sandall Close for her mum, Pauline (Duchess of Castlebar)’s 70th birthday.

The out of town bits of the family will have stayed at local hotels.

The menu and arrangements look to me as though she got Murray Tollemache aka The Pie Man to cater this one. He was certainly one of our favourite dudes for Z/Yen functions at that time and the order list of pies is a bit of a giveaway.

Strangely, 25 years after the event (and many more years after Murray started The Pie Man business, he’s still going strong under the name TPM Catering.

Most of the family probably appreciated the effort that Janie had gone to. The Duchess almost certainly didn’t.

Coincidentally, Janie and I went to see Dinner With The Family with the Duchess the following week.

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