Angela Brownridge Plays Liszt, Wigmore Hall, 16 July 1999

To The Wigmore Hall again on a Friday evening to catch an Angela Brownridge recital of Liszt piano pieces.

We heard:

  • Les Jeux d’eau a la Ville d’Este
  • Hungarian Rhapsody No 13
  • From Annes de Pelerinage Book 2 “Italy”
  • Paganini Caprice No 6 “La Campanella”
  • 3 Liebestraume in A Flat, E and A Flat
  • 3 Concert Studies: Il Lamento, La Leggierezza, Un Sospiro
  • Hungarian Rhapsody No 2

Yes, that’s right…there’s a Liszt of the pieces we heard.

Here is a lengthy documentary about and by Angela Brownridge:

You can hear the Liebstraume she played in the 1999 concert at 1:10:55 on the video.

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