Janie’s First Taste Of Test Cricket, England v New Zealand, Day Three, Oval, 21 August 1999

Everything that needs to be said about this day at The Oval has been described beautifully by Daisy (aka Janie) on the King Cricket website, published a short while after the event (18 February 2025).

My only quibble with Daisy’s piece is her opening line – “I had never been to a professional cricket match before” – as I considered the world cup match, Zimbabwe v Australia, at Lord’s, a professional match:

No doubt Daisy will try to blame me for feeding her a duff line, but I don’t suppose anyone who knows about anything will expect me to take that sort of blow on the chin.

Just in case anyone out there wants to know what actually happened cricket-wise in the England v New Zealand test at Lord’s, click here to read all about it.

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