Kyrie Eleison, The King’s Consort, Wigmore Hall, 23 February 2000

A delicious concert of baroque, mostly sacred, music at The Wig. We had thrown ourselves into the baroque season that year, venturing even on a Wednesday evening, which was usually off limits in our busy lives back then. I recall that the effort was well worth it.

We heard:

  • Johann Heinrich Schmelzer – Sonata no 8 in G
  • Sebastian Knüpfer – Wenn Mein Stundlein Vorhanden Ist
  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Mass in G Minor, BWV 235
  • Johann Sebastian Bach – Mass in G Major, BWV 236
  • Georg Muffat – Sonata ‘a cinque’ in D
  • Johann Kuhnau – Tristis Est Anima Mea

Back then, The King’s Consort was a bit of an “all stars” affair in the early music world, with Carolyn Sampson, Rebecca Outram, Charles Daniels and Andrew Carwood, to name but four, all appearing under Robert King’s banner.

Some unusual pieces in there too. Let’s see if I can dig out some tasty samples. Here’s a sweet performance of the Schmelzer by Ensemble Masques

The Knüpfer was part of The King’s Consort’s recording projects around that time. Here is their recording:

The first of the Bach Masses at the centre of this concert, BWV 235, has been beautifully recorded live by the Netherlands Bach Society.

Here is Herreweghe’s version of the Kyrie from the Bach Mass BWV 236. You can load and click through for the whole of this mass if you wish:

The King’s Consort had also recently recorded the Kuhnau a couple of years before this concert. Here is their beautiful recording.

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