There is a placeholder with links to the itinerary and all the photos from this trip – click here or below:
After piss poor breakfast I cash in my dinner vouchers through Wang (George).
Ever since a particularly helpful hotel receptionist in Lebanon, named George, whenever Janie latches onto a receptionist we now privately call him, or her, George.

Set off sightseeing to Potala Palace – stunning site but mighty crowded with Tibetan and Chinese tourists. Statues of various incarnations of Buddha and various Dalai Lamas is starting to lose its appeal at a frighteningly early stage, but some rooms are stunning.

Check out food scene – decide on Snowland’s for dinner and take quick lunch at Tashi I – bobis and cheesecake.

After siesta, sleet is turning to snow but we go undaunted to The Jokhang – strangely charming in the snow but again Buddha after Buddha, lama after lama.

Snow torrential by the time we leave so we defer Barkhor Square for a better day (we hope).

More rest (and this write-up) before dinner.

Enjoyed yak momos, sha phalay (deep fried meat pie), yak and potato stew, lamb stew and tsampa. Took home a delightful butter cake and early night.