I went into the 2007 festive season clean-shaven and came out the other side of it bearded.

I have been inspired to write this matter up on Ogblog now (in November 2019), as King Cricket has written a very entertaining, speculative piece about cricketer Chris Woakes “rebranding” as a hirsute chap:
This made me wonder about my own “rebrand” 12 years ago.
I had often before let my facial hair grow for a while, during holiday time, but always previously had relented once work beckoned again or sooner if the itches came before the return to work.
This time I decided to play through the itches and go for the bearded look from the start of 2008 onwards.
I’m not sure I actually made the decision on 28 December, but it was a Friday and I probably at least made a decision not to shave that day before heading off for Sandall Close.
I do recall that Daisy liked the look once it got beyond 48 hour shadow to become a proper, albeit short, beard and tash.
Freudians might point out that the festive holiday in question was the first significant break from work I’d had since my father’s death and I do recall consciously thinking that I wouldn’t have attempted “the beard thing” while dad was alive. I cannot explain that, I merely note it. The same inexplicable/nonsensical rule applied to hats as well.
I especially recall my business partner, Michael Mainelli recoiling at the sight of my new look at the start of 2008. When I asked him why he didn;t like it, he was uncharacteristically lost for words until he finally said:
I don’t really know. I guess I don’t like change.
While on the business angle of this, just for the record, I would suggest that my five most successful years commercially were 2008-2012. Coincidence? Who knows.
Here’s hoping for at least five cracking cricketing years ahead for Chris Woakes from November 2019 onwards now he too is hirsute.