This was one of the most photogenic days on this trip – we put more than 100 photos from this day in the album for this part of the trip. I shall pepper this piece with a fair smattering of them.
Years earlier, Janie and I had been transfixed by a documentary series, Beyond The Clouds, about this town, Lijiang. It was broadcast in 1994, soon after our return from our first trip to China. Much had changed in 16+ years of course, but the fascinating grapple between traditional and emerging China was much evident still in 2010.
Both rose early and looked at rest of photos.
Touring started with Zhong Yi vegetable market (and meat etc – everyday local market).

Then walk to the historic old town (including Disneyfied part) which was mostly delightful but [Disneyfied].

Then through part of new town (seeking a chain for Daisy) and on to black dragon pool park – walked all around there and on to museum of Naxi Dongba culture. Then home.

Played tennis in the afternoon (perhaps a bit too early) washed and soon off for early evening of dinner in local restaurant Jiu Qi…

…and then a concert of the Naxi Ancient Music Concert Hall (see ticket/program) were local tourists in front of us. Tried to match the 30+ piece Naxi orchestra’s decibel level.

Gave up on bar crawl idea – crashed early.