A day at Lord’s with Charles “Charley The Gent Malloy” Bartlett, Mark “Uncail Marcas” Yeandle and a final hurrah with Paul Deacon before he abandoned us all for the Great White North.

Photos lifted from Facebook with implicit permission from Paul Deacon. Paul took lots of photos that day, which Facebookers can see by clicking here.
Looks as though I am polishing off one of my smoked salmon bagels when that photo was taken, presumably by an amiable neighbour.
Mark Yeandle, despite hiding between me and Paul in the photo, made a momentous contribution to the day (and to the picture, if you look closely at Chas’s right hand) in the form of a monster ration of his local, outstandingly good Frittenden strawberries, picked specially for the occasion. By my reckoning, that particular day was “peak strawberry” day – the very best ones ever…or I should say to date (writing in late 2017).

Very much a batting day, was Day 2, although we got to see some (mainly tail-end) wickets too.

We had superb weather for a May test match and I recall a very pleasant day in every respect. We were lucky – the next day the weather was less than special and there was very little cricket.
Here is a link to the scorecard for the match. England prevailed in the end; but the end wasn’t until the Monday.
A longish time ago but sunshine, cricket and Lords, wonderful memories particularly when is bairly 6c outside at the moment!