Our album of Galle photos, all 31 of them, can be seen through the flickr album below:

No tennis today, so rose a little later and took massage at 9 am. Back to Milton for Ged and Roshan for Daisy.
I think it was this occasion when I had a bizarre conversation with Milton, who was telling me all about his ancestors, whose names were Arthur, Alfred and such names. I said to him, “it’s interesting to me that everyone you have mentioned in your family has an English-style first name, until Roshan”. Milton went very quiet for a moment and then said, “but Roshan IS an English name!” That was me told.
We take breakfast after massage and rest a while to let oils settle. Ged tries hoppers with sambal.
Meanwhile Prageeth has gone off in search of a duck for us, which nearly turned out to be a wild goose chase but in the end was a successful wild duck chase.
He gets the duck from Labudawa Farm, near Labudawa Junction, circa 12 km from Galle and returns around 12 noon.

We then go shopping with Prageeth. I buy sandals (two pairs) and three shirts – Daisy merely buys a pac-a-mac. We also buy a memory stick for the photos (8 GB) and discover that many boutique shops are closed for a local (Muslim) holiday.
Back to the fort, first to the ATM, where Ged [accidentally] drops his stuff in the bin before retrieving his card, only to have the card time-out and be swallowed [by the machine] while Ged picks up the bits. This proves to be a difficult problem with two days of public holiday in train.
But Prageeth at least find one bank employee who he knows, who assures us that if the card is in there – which of course it is – it will be held for me until Tuesday or Wednesday next week.
We then go to Exotic briefly, then KK Collection and buy gifties for Charlie plus some utensils for Ged and Daisy plus some nice rattan mats for Ged.
Then home for some beer, nibbles, sun, swimming, R&R, etc., before 18:00 yoga class (mostly for Daisy) and pool and then change for dinner.
We feast on the duck with pineapple in a coconut gravy with rice and salad washed down with the last of our wine. Daisy flakes, so Ged beats himself at pool a couple of times.
Our other Sri Lanka photos- 79 excluded from the album – can be found through the link below: