I don’t remember dancing the hokey-kokey at that year’s Z/Yen seasonal event, but the photographic record suggests that maybe I did.
We have an enormous number of photographs from that year’s event.
Prior to the meal, we had a party at our new offices, 90 Basinghall Street, which many of our partners had not previously seen. The upstairs room was well suited to hospitality.

Our private room at Bistro Bruno Loubert was a super venue for the dinner. We were quite a large group that year and the space was ideal.

The Price Of Fish had been published that year. Hence the seasonal medley focussing on the two big events of the year: the move to Basingall Street and the publication of the book. I wrote both halves of the song, although I need to nod towards Michael who had written a “St Helen’s” version of the “Oh Little Town” song some years earlier.
( Sung to the tune of “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem” )
Oh little street of Basinghall,
On Guildhall’s shady side;
Above old Gresham College Hall,
Z/Yen’s offices reside.
Yet on the fourth floor slaving,
Z/Yen staff work till they sink;
While past the fifth floor sliding door,
Directors eat and drink.
How noisily, how noisily,
They party with the swish;
To show off Z/Yen’s new office and,
Promote “The Price of Fish”.
But now Z/Yen’s Christmas party,
Is here so we can sell;
This gastro dome, that wondrous tome,
To the tune of Jingle Bells.
( Sung to the tune of “Jingle Bells” )
Price of Fish, Price of Fish, Price of Fish hooray;
Oh! What fun it is to read some pages every day;
Price of Fish, Price of Fish, Price of Fish hooray;
Oh! what fun it is to read The Price of Fish each day.
Reading Price of Fish, at a page or ten each day,
Book or Kindle form, laughing all the way;
Bells in brains will ring, making ideas bright,
What fun it is to laugh and sing The Price of Fish tonight.
Price of Fish, Price of Fish, Price of Fish hooray;
Oh! What fun it is to read some pages every day;
Price of Fish, Price of Fish, Price of Fish hooray;
Oh! what fun it is to read The Price of Fish each day.
Loads of pictures from that year’s event. Click this link or the picture link below: