We both found this piece charming and entertaining. It is about the birth of the cinema in the late 19th early 20th century shtetl.
It doesn’t get full marks for historical authenticity and it is a very sentimental piece, but that’s not always so terrible.
Superb cast, very well directed and some wonderful effects with the use of film.
Nicholas Wright has previous on these history-based imaginings. We loved Vincent in Brixton for example. Also Mrs Klein – click here or below for that one:
Travelling Light got mixed reviews – click here for a search term that finds them. Several critics really liked it. Others felt the sentimentality and stereotypes were not for them.
We very much enjoyed our evening, while recognising that this is an entertaining play, not a great play.
Below is the trailer…
…and the following vid has mini interviews with the key cast and creatives.