Our first couple of days at Ninh Van Bay were not blessed with good weather. Still, there were plenty of compensations at the Six Senses Ninh Van Bay even when the weather was not so good.
18 February 2012
Rose quite early to a rainy day. Potter then rush to get into breakfast in time!
Straight after breakfast Ân shows us a couple more villas – we fall in love with the one-off beach bungalow villa.
We look through photos while waiting to move and then we move into our new bungalow.
Unpack, potter and finish reviewing the photos.
Then Ged goes to the library to sort through photos for several (successful) hours, Daisy joining him for a while.
Then get ready for dinner and go down for a meal of mushroom ravioli with prawns (highlight) followed by poor mains of Thai seafood curry and caramelised pork belly, followed by ice cream.
Comparatively late night after following cricket and catching up on the news.

19 February 2012
Take breakfast in better time today. Ged had beef pho noodle soup, Daisy chicken egg noodle soup.
The weather is a bit better but still not good so we arrange to have our complimentary spa treatments this evening before dinner. Also chose to have a Vietnamese barbecue dinner.
Potter for much of the day and get used to new villa and such – look at shop.
Borrow a couple of DVDs and chat with Gary the general manager from Lichfield!
[Parenthetically, it was that conversation with Gary that persuaded us to try Six Senses Zighy Bay a couple of years later. The property had poor reports from its troubled launch but Gary convinced us, having been sent there to sort out the difficulties, that the property was now very special indeed and well worth trying. Gary was right.]
Play tennis – Ged wins six four – mid afternoon (it’s cool enough). Have some siesta and then a complimentary treatments. Daisy has a foot massage and body scrub, Ged has hand (arm) and body scrub. Very nice.
Then Vietnamese barbecue. Lots of spring/hand roll things (variations on a theme) plus salads and barbecue tuna probably the highlight – also grouper and a mackerel type fish. Could’ve pigged out but as usual we didn’t. Tried various desserts with limited success.