25 February 2012
Another glorious day. We skip tennis on grounds of Ged’s sore throat and full itinerary for the day.
Arrange to take Dinner On The Jetty.
At breakfast we chat to Daisy’s German friends from the earlier yoga class – they turn out to be medical academics from Heidelberg – still we get confused about whether or not they are joining our class later.
After breakfast we do a Vietnamese massage workshop – Ged acts as a model and Daisy learns the techniques. We meet some young sunburnt Hong Kongers there.
Then back to our villa for a last day of resting and reading by a private pool.
Ged read the end of The Marriage Plot, a couple of Alexander MacLeod short stories on the Kindle and starts A Visit From The Goon Squad.
I have a dreadful feeling I didn’t quite get going with nor did I finish Goon Squad. I’ll need to dig that one out again.

Later we take our complimentary sunset cruise (gold star to Ân for remembering to switch wine for bubbly) and then get ready for dinner.

Dinner on the jetty (see menus) was excellent – Ged found opportunities to tip most of the people who been looking after us – chef Basha Ched Tuong, Leo (food and beverage), Ân… Gary the GM joins us for quite a while and helped us to get through our bottle of Alsatian Tokay/Pinot Gris. Excellent meal.

26th of February 2012
Another glorious day, but sadly we are leaving. After some early morning R&R we pack.