An Audience With Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury, Lambeth Palace, 20 August 2013

Justin Welby and Kim Geun-Sang at Seoul Cathedral, November 2013, Photo by Ellif, CC BY 3.0

I don’t normally mark business meetings in Ogblog. But this one, with the Archbishop of Canterbury, deserves a mention, if only to mark the occasion.

It was a very productive and interesting meeting.

I had met both of Archbishop Justin’s predecessors: Archbishop Rowan at a lunch a couple of years earlier…

…and Archbishop George around 1999 when I was doing work with The Children’s Society…

…but Archbishop Justin is, to date, the only one with whom I have had a proper meeting.

Writing this just over 10 years later, my key thought is, “could that meeting really have been 10 years ago?” Yes.

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