Rose early, read, coffee, read, breakfast.
Said goodbye to “Lewisham Ian and Nikki” just before breakfast.
Mostly reading day, having taken a little too much sun on the back yesterday.
Finished Haigh’s Shane Warne and tucked into The Commitments and Jimmy Jazz by Roddy Doyle.
Ended up coming down to lunch quite late and were exiled to the Mango Tree! The starter of spicy hummus followed by chambo on a tasty fried rice with dried fruits, pine nuts etc was very good. Chatted with”Agent Honour” for awhile about flights and stuff.
More reading on our lovely decks.

Too soon, it starts to get dark – we thought about having a late swim but by the time the idea came up again it was too late.
We go down early for a predinner drink and the local singing dancing troop. We bumped into Richard and John running in the other direction with some pre-pre-dinner drinks, clearly keen to avoid the show.
It is a much steamer evening than before – very still.
We join the singing dancing for a couple of numbers. This time no one else joins in.
Daisy is unimpressed by the agents, especially the ones who plonk themselves at the front of the deck. We work up a good sweat dancing two numbers.
After the show, Richard and John re-emerge. They join us and we discuss cricket, corruption and polyhalite mining, like you do.
Then to dinner. The starter was a cold avocado soup with spicy crackers. The main beef with a rich wine and mushroom sauce, with layered potato cakes and sesame carrots for Hippity. Chocolate fondant thingy was surprisingly and a real rarity of a disappointing dish. Still another excellent meal and then to bed.
Put fan on for the first time in days as it was really sticky. Lots of lake flies too.