On this occasion, we decided to make the Z/Yen seasonal event “a musical house party” at our offices in Basinghall Street.
We weren’t exactly flush that year and we had a lot of musical people in our midst…
…well, one or two genuinely musical people and quite a lot of people who like to have a go.
It was the year that Mike Smith had induced me to start playing the baritone ukulele.

It was a bit like the definition of jazz – i.e. the musicians were enjoying themselves more than the audience. But that was OK because almost everyone WAS the musicians. And everyone was enjoying the party.

I’m grateful that Janie took pictures to help mark this event.
The usual traditions of Secret Santa, a little giftie for everyone and of course the seasonal song were all in play.
A rare offering in the lyrics department by Michael Mainelli that year. I think we agreed that, as Mike and I were putting together a whole load of musical entertainment, a revival of Michael’s contribution to the 2011 medley would do.
The lyric is not bad at all (is it possible I tweaked it a bit?) and well suited to an event in Basinghall Street:
(Sung to the tune of “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem”)
Oh little street of Basinghall,
On Guildhall’s shady side;
Above old Gresham College Hall,
Z/Yen’s offices reside.Yet on the fourth floor slaving,
Z/Yen staff work till they sink;
While past the fifth floor sliding door,
Directors eat and drink.How noisily, how noisily,
They party with the swish;
To show off Z/Yen’s new office and,
Promote “The Price of Fish”.But now Z/Yen’s Christmas party,
Is here so we can sell;
This gastro dome, that wondrous time,
To the tune of Jingle Bells.