Samuel Pepys The Guitarist, Gresham College, 16 May 2018

To St. Sepulchre Without Newgate for the last time (at least for the purposes of this lecture series) to see Christopher Page’s last Gresham lecture. This one covers Samuel Pepys’s interest in the guitar later in his life.

I have long been fascinated by Pepys – indeed one of my working titles for Ogblog was “Mr Poopys’s Diary” – based on the notion that it would be like an on-line cross between Mr Pooter’s Diary and that of Mr Pepys…

…but I digress.

Samuel Pepys
Oh look, I found a public domain portrait of Pepys with music in his hand
Here is a link to the full Gresham College resource on this lecture, including the video. If you simply want to watch the vid, I have embedded it below:

I had missed the previous lecture, The Guitar At The Restoration Court, in March, due to work commitments, but did find the time to watch it on the web ahead of my May visit, so my attendance at today’s Pepys meant that I have seen all six of them; three live and three on the web.

I got to the church in good time and chatted ahead of the lecture with an interesting gentleman who encouraged me to watch Ian Christie’s lectures on early motion pictures and stereo photography – both areas of special interest to me.

I also realised when Christopher Page made his closing remarks that I would find several of his earlier lectures (before this year’s series) fascinating – all early music (apart from his first series which was on romantic period guitar) – and they are all on-line too:

So that will no doubt be some interesting evening activity over the coming weeks and months.

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