I don’t do much team quizzing.
Occasionally I make guest appearances, when invited by people who assume that I have an encyclopaedic mind for the types of information that oft come up in quiz questions. Such people usually end up disappointed and don’t invite me again. Here’s a link to an example of such a day/event.
But a Z/Yen charity quiz team is different, I suppose. The quizzing equivalent of cricket matches where I am an automatic pick for the team, not based on aptitude but because the game needs my bat and my ball.
Actually, over the years, for City Giving Day, the Z/Yen quiz team has come quite close a couple of times.
This year we went more than one better, contriving to win the event, not just against the other eleven teams at our venue, but even across all the venues in London. What a team.
I wrote this triumph up for the Z/Yen website. If you really want to know all about it – click here.

On the way out, I spotted a strange effigy which I photographed and wrote up for the King Cricket website:
If anything ever goes awry with King Cricket, you can read a scrape of that piece here.