Almost everything that I want to say in words about this event is contained in the “match report” on King Cricket – click here or below, where, in case you didn’t know, dear reader, I am Ged and Janie is Daisy:
If anything were ever to go awry with the King Cricket site, click this link for a scrape of that report.
Janie took a ludicrous number of pictures – you can see them all through the Flickr link below:
Janie and I were very motivated by the live appearance of Rudimental and mugged up on their hits in advance of the concert…I mean Finals Day.

I expected that we might see live performances of at least four Rudimental bangers and we were treated to all four of the ones I expected we’d see:
I was also hoping for this next one, which I especially liked when mugging up, but they didn’t do this one. Shoulda been a bigger hit in my opinion, but my opinion didn’t guarantee hits even when I was younger, let alone now!