Forty Years Of Celebrating Birthdays Together: Dinner With John White At Lita Marylebone, 27 August 2024

John is one day younger than me. We have often celebrated our joint birthdays together over the decades. It seemed fitting, 40 years after we first celebrated together

…to meet around the time of our birthday.

It was my turn to choose and John’s turn to pay. I chose Lita Marylebone, which has received excellent reviews as a relatively recent opening.

Life took me to that Baker Street Quarter of Marylebone a little early on a glorious summer afternoon, so I took a short stroll around friends and family sites…

Annalisa’s place, back in the day

A house in Manchester Street which was, according to Portman Estate records, my Harris family’s place briefly in the late 1920s.

…took some tea outdoors in a cafe and sat reading in Paddington Street Gardens South until dinner time.

Then Lita.

The conceit of the place is sharing plates, which both John and I like. I sense that the maître d’ encouraged us to over-order, by suggesting that we order three plates from the small category, three from the medium and two from the large plates. Perhaps I should have asked him if those numbers were for rotund people like himself, or slim-jims like me and John.

Still, it was great to taste so many utterly delicious plates:

  • Wildfarmed sourdough, cultured butter
  • Kentish radishes, smoked cod’s roe
  • Smoked Basque sardines, ajo blanco, cherries
  • Salad of Romana courgettes, artichoke, ricotta, basil, mint
  • Strozzapreti, Aylesbury duck ragu, Parmesan 36 mth
  • Linguine, St Austell mussels, Cornish cockles, palourde clams, bottarga
  • Slow cooked Cull Yaw, celeriac, preserved winter truffle
  • Cornish monkfish, fennel, heirloom tomatoes, bouillbaisse

Plus some Ratte potatoes, which were surplus to our requirements but very interesting/different from your regular taters.

We chatted about all manner of things and the evening flew by. I took several pictures of John (see also headline picture), but he didn’t take any pictures of me…

…but that was OK, because my earlier appointment had been all about pictures of me – about 300 of them.

John, still crazy after all these years

Me – still hip after all these years

An Afternoon At Hampton Court Palace Watching Real Tennis Champions Trophy Quarter-Finals, 2 August 2024

I chose a beautiful afternoon to down tools early and drive out to Hampton Court Palace to see some quality tournament real tennis.

I hatched the idea several weeks earlier, when Janie was called for jury service that week and the next. At that time, June, the weather was cold and we’d had more than our fair share of rain. I thought of this booking as a bit of a hedge against my summer sports watching being rain-blighted.

As it turned out, none of my chosen June/July tennis and cricket watching was so blighted and 2 August was destined to be a seriously hot day.

I watched the first of that afternoon’s two matches from the sauna that was the dedans gallery: Nino Merola v Nick Howell. Here is the highlights reel:

In the break between matches, I ran into Linda, whom I know through the Dedanists and have even partnered on one occasion. She was stewarding. When I mentioned the heat, she pointed out that the upper gallery places had barely sold and that I would be welcome to watch the second match from those less crowded and cooler giddy heights. It turned out to be excellent advice, both for me and also to relieve some pressure on the heaving dedans gallery.

I enjoyed the views from the upper gallery – initially (before the match started) the external views:

Then from the inside, the view of the match itself. I have viewed from the hazard end before (at Prested) but never from a great height like this:

Rob Shenkman v Ben Taylor-Matthews, it was. Ben depicted above. Here is the highlights reel:

It was a most enjoyable afternoon. The choice of a Friday afternoon in early August made sense in the end, as the drive to Noddyland was a doddle compared with the usual rush hour jam home from Hampton Court.