A Jew Hunt In Port Louis, Mauritius, 9 August 1979

An overview of my 1979 trip to Mauritius, courtesy of the wonderfully hospitable Biltoo family, can be found by clicking here or below:

Here is an extract from my tenth letter, which is in effect my diary entry for 9 August 1979:

Today (Anil’s birthday) we were supposed to walk up one of the Mauritian mountains with Shahil, but we didn’t go of course (Anil being ill).

This afternoon I went on a Jew hunt alone to Port Louis but was unsuccessful. The name and address I’ve been given is of (I found out today) a very important man, so I’m returning there tomorrow (as he was out today). I have my doubts as to whether he’ll want to see me. If he has rejected Judaism (which seems possible) he won’t be at all interested in helping me. He may be a very helpful person, however.

I had better explain at this juncture why on earth I went Jew hunting in Port Louis. A few days before I set off for Mauritius, I had been co-opted onto the BBYO National Executive as the National Magazine Editor, so I was very keen to come up with at least one story with a Jewish angle while I was on my travels. This sole lead (did I pick it up from the Delaître family? – seems likely) actually proved extremely fruitful in the end, but my mother threw out my magazine copies and I have a dreadful feeling I stored my hand-written notes with my copy of the final printed magazine. If so, I am probably, to use the vernacular, in shtuk – that fascinating interview might be lost in the mists of time.

This evening we went to Marraz’s for dinner and although he says otherwise I think Anil’s condition is worsening. It was at Marraz’s I got your letter. What a coincidence meeting Arriss’s friend!!

You haven’t much to tell me about life in Streatham, life in Ilford, Woodford, Pinner and [somewhere else] is also still the same. I’m getting lots of letters. It’s good because from tonight onwards it won’t be worth writing, so it’s no more writing, just reading (which you know I prefer!!!). As for discussions on Judaism, it isn’t (I don’t think) quite as you gathered. On hearing that I’m Jewish most people want to know what it is.

Talking about religion, I forgot to mention that yesterday was Rakhi. I was daubed with flour, sprinkled with flowers, and given wrist bands to wear!! (The bad part oif the ceremony is having to give money to the givers!!).

This is your last letter, so make the most of it, and from now on I will keep my diary on notepaper for you to read (I suppose) tomorrow or the next day (from the time you read this).

See you very soon, love Ian

Me and Nanda, Shahil’s sister. The “me” bit of this picture became Ged Ladd’s avatar.

Through A Rose Hill Coloured Glass Darkly, Mauritius, 8 August 1979

An overview of my 1979 trip to Mauritius, courtesy of the wonderfully hospitable Biltoo family, can be found by clicking here or below:

Here is an extract from my tenth letter, which is in effect my diary entry for 8 August 1979:

We returned to Garçon’s early, and went on another photogenic trip north, this time along the coast. It was a long trip, which helped Anil not one bit.

That afternoon and evening Anil slept and in the evening Bill, Garçon and Janee went to the pictures (French) and I stayed in alone.

Of course, one of the occasional electrical cuts had to happen that evening, and I didn’t know where the candles were. So I stumbled (literally) to the rear house (I’ll explain that better on my return) where they gave me some candles, and Sanjay (Janee’s nephew) came in to keep me company.

(Change of pen please maestro […my writing was getting faint…] – that’s better!!!)

He’s only 11, and speaks no English, so two hours of conversation with him in French was my first real attempt to get my rusty cogs in motion. He says my accent is good and that I speak very well!!! I’m not so sure.

I’m fairly sure Sanjay is the little fella front between Anil and Dutt. Vanisha on Anil and Dutt’s shoulders.

A Letter From Fran To Me While I Was In Mauritius, 7 August 1979

In May 2018, the evening before going to Radlett and seeing Fran again…

An Unusual Day In Radlett And At The Oval, During Which Middlesex Came Second Twice, 17 May 2018

…I had a memory flash that Fran had written to me while I was in Mauritius.

I was very good about keeping the correspondence I received while there (in contrast with most other hand-written correspondence I received over the years), so I was able easily to find the following letter.

I think it is an utterly charming letter and I think Fran thought so too…

…at least, she did grant me permission to upload it to Ogblog, which is a good sign…

…and she still seems to be talking to me.

Gosh I recall those Airmail letters. A fixed amount of space which seemed like a massive space to fill, until one got going and then ran out of space – pretty  much always.

“I wonder what Ian was up to in Mauritius on 7 August, while Fran was beavering away at her holiday job and writing to him”, I hear you cry. Click here or below to see my diary note for that day, also in the form of an Airmail letter, in my case to my parents:

Tenth Letter From Mauritius, 9 August 1979

Please note how very legible Fran’s handwriting is compared with mine. Who’d have thought back then and/or from the written evidence that Fran would end up making her living as a medic (dentist), while I would end up making much of my living from writing.

A Day And Night At Shahil’s, Mauritius, 7 August 1979

An overview of my 1979 trip to Mauritius, courtesy of the wonderfully hospitable Biltoo family, can be found by clicking here or below:

Here is an extract from my tenth letter, which is in effect my diary entry for 7 August 1979:

As you may tell from the date my diary is a little behind again, and it was only the receiving of two letters from you today that reminded me. I think that the last time I wrote was the morning of the seventh or the evening of the six it doesn’t really matter.

You are my greatest fan; three letters and not one complaint about my handwriting. It is atrocious I admit.

Anyway the morning of the seventh Anil and I went shopping in Rose Hill about thrice, in short bursts. Anil (as usual) has almost completely finished ploughing through his money, and his only hope is that he wins at the races on Sunday!! Last Sunday, Garçon, who is in the know, made a few hundred pounds, so Anil’s got the bug! If it’s one of Garçon’s bad weeks, he’s [Anil’s] had it!!!

In the afternoon we went to Shahil’s for tea and dinner, and then a snap decision to stay the night, which was good fun, but a late night.

Shahil Trying To Look Cool
Anil, Shahil & Me. Not a great photograph. I have just spotted the two-finger signal from Shahil above Anil’s head, 40 years later.
Dutt (Bill), Anil, Shahil, Nanda, Shahil & Nanda’s parents and their two younger siblings
(I think I’m calling all of this but corrections welcomed):
Left to Right: Baby, Shahil, Min, Anil, Nanda

Anil decided to have one of his respiratory attacks (not quite asthma but nearly) that (of course, seeing as he was separated from his tablets) meant he spent the whole night wheezing. He is still ill, I’m afraid to say and was very irritable today, as he was confined to barracks on his birthday, but that’s another story..

Pamplemousses Botanical Garden And More, Mauritius, 6 August 1979

An overview of my 1979 trip to Mauritius, courtesy of the wonderfully hospitable Biltoo family, can be found by clicking here or below:

Here is an extract from my ninth letter, which is in effect my diary entry for 6 August 1979:

Yesterday we went shopping in the morning and in the afternoon we went to Pamplemousses [Botanical] Garden for a long look around and a routing of my film stock. It’s beautiful there, as you will see.

Here is a link to the 8mm film I took in Mauritius – much of it in those Botanical Gardens:

On the way back we stopped off at one of these real Mauritian grotty cafés for tea (cross fingers for the tummy, folks). Actually my time ain’t been too bad but the past couple of days it’s been a bit on the blink.

Anyway, this is probably the second last letter you get before I get back. By the time you read this, I should be back in three or four days, so you should be getting letters right up until my glorious return. And don’t bother dusting the place anymore because I AM GOING TO BE BACK WITH A VENGEANCE, so run for it while you can.

Hope all is well, see you very soon, Ian the good boy (it doesn’t fit in rhyme)

PS I tried to find something to rhyme for ages

Ninth Letter From Mauritius, 5 August 1979

A very brief background to this travel adventure is covered in the overview posting linked here, which contains links to photos and cine.

I wrote letters to mum and dad which doubled as my diary/travelogue. Here is a scan of the ninth of them.

Mauritius Journal Letter Nine Side One 5 August 1979 Mauritius Journal Letter Nine Side Two 5 August 1979

Return To Rose Hill, Mauritius, 5 August 1979

An overview of my 1979 trip to Mauritius, courtesy of the wonderfully hospitable Biltoo family, can be found by clicking here or below:

Here is an extract from my ninth letter, which is in effect my diary entry for 5 August 1979:

This morning we got ready to leave, which we will do straight after lunch. I won’t be too sad to leave, as although it has made a real break there has not been all that much to do here and I look forward to getting back to bustling, jolly town life.

7 August 1979:

Well straight after lunch that day we did leave and got back about 3 o’clock to find the house seeming stale. It was almost like returning home but in a strange sort of way.

Welcome home

Garçon went over to Marraz’s – Marraz was supposed to come to dinner. He didn’t come. But Garçon brought some letters for me including yours and Gillian’s (which was like both sides of the same story from different angles). I get the impression that Gillian and friend must have wandered off, because Rebecca is very reliable as far as that sort of thing is concerned.

I knew that you hadn’t heard from me as early as the 25th, as Mrs B told Mr B you’ve got your first on 26. It does take as long as 10 days sometimes, and sometimes only 5 or 6. You also tend to get letters in bulk, so I’m told.

Anyway, we had dinner with Janee’s brother that night and turned in early.

Dinner With The In-Laws, Souillac, Mauritius, 4 August 1979

An overview of my 1979 trip to Mauritius, courtesy of the wonderfully hospitable Biltoo family, can be found by clicking here or below:

Here is an extract from my ninth letter, which is in effect my diary entry for 4 August 1979:

Here is news of yesterday. We did not go into town yesterday, but had another lazy day. In the evening Janee’s sister and brother-in-law came to dinner which was pleasant. Anil and I both had an early night as Anil had an asthma attack and I felt a slight cold coming on. It doesn’t seem to have materialised very much today, however, and I’m beginning to think it may just be a relaxed throat or something.

One fresh air machine too many, Anil?

An Awful Lot Of Nothing Day, So An Excuse For Lots Of Family Photos, Souillac, Mauritius, 3 August 1979

An overview of my 1979 trip to Mauritius, courtesy of the wonderfully hospitable Biltoo family, can be found by clicking here or below:

Here is an extract from my eighth letter, which is in effect my diary entry for 3 August 1979:

Today yet again we did an awful lot of nothing, with nothing of note happening at all.

Tomorrow I think we’re going back into town for the afternoon or something; I don’t really know

I’ll use this “lot of nothing” day as an excuse to put up several pictures of the Biltoo family down south.

Anil, enjoying doing an awful lot of nothing
An awful lot of cards – Manjula, Anil and (guessing) the hand of Janee
Manjula and Vanisha
Janee and Garçon
I bet Janee really appreciated me taking this photo

Eighth Letter From Mauritius, 2 August 1979

A very brief background to this travel adventure is covered in the overview posting linked here, which contains links to photos and cine.

I wrote letters to mum and dad which doubled as my diary/travelogue. Here is a scan of the eighth of them.

Mauritius Journal Letter Eight Side One 2 August 1979 Mauritius Journal Letter Eight Side Two 2 August 1979