Z/Yen Seasonal Event: 1 Blossom Street, Preceded By Drinks At St Helen’s Place, 12 December 2008

Only the one picture from the 2008 event can be found some 15 years later, although somewhere on a backup device somewhere I suspect there are more.


It was a good and memorable evening that year. Giles Abbott (who had been doing voice work with several of us) and Soosy were guests of honour that year.

We had hoped to go to Dennis Severs’ House for the pre-dinner outing, buy that idea fell through for that occasion – we had a works outing there a few months later instead.

Hence we had drinks at our St Helen’s Place offices before traipsing to 1 Blossom Street for an excellent meal in a private room. All the regular Z/Yen Xmas party stuff ensued: eating drinking, Secret Santa, gimcrack gifties, quizzing, and of course the seasonal song.


(Song to the Tune of “Merry Christmas Everybody”)

Are you hanging Z/Yen e-diaries on your wall?
Are you off with Jez for one great long pub crawl?
Are you going somewhere fancy?
Like Dubai or Grand Cayman?
Or a tube around the Circle Line Zone One?

So here it is,
Z/Yen at Christmas,
Everyone’s in party mood,
Except for Ian’s vibe,
He’s more like Mr Scrooge.

Are you waiting for the telephone to ring?
Are you sure you’ve got the voice enough to sing?
Is it Linda always tells you
You’ve received more client files,
That’ll take so long to process you’ll get piles…

So here it is,
Z/Yen at Christmas,
Everybody’s having fun,
Look to the future now
We sing in Unison.

Are you hanging Z/Yen e-diaries on your wall?
Has Monique picked up another cold sales call?
Does he claim he’s Michael’s brother?
Or he’s Ian’s long lost friend?
Does his patter drive you half way round the bend?

So here it is,
Z/Yen at Christmas,
Everybody’s up the creek,
Look to the future now
We’ll still be here next week!!

[Someone has to shriek like Noddy Holder…………..”Z/Yen’s Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”]

So here it is,
Z/Yen at Christmas,
Everybody’s up the creek,
Look to the future now
We’ll still be here next week!!