We had a wonderful trip to Malawi in the early autumn of 2013.
As usual, we took loads of pictures and my log runs to 28 pages of notes.
The best of the pictures, about 250 of them, are gathered into two Flickr albums:

I have now turned the notes into legible, structured blog stories and postings, starting with this one:
Malawi Journey Day Zero: Slipping Up & Leaving Home, 27 September 2013
But if anyone is really so interested they want to try and decipher my scrawl and check that I have really typed up what I might have really be trying to say, here are scans of the hand-written logs; Part One covers the period of the first photo album, Part Two…:
Malawi Write Up Part One of Two pp1-15 at 200dpib&w
Malawi Write Up Part Two of Two pp15-28 at 200dpib&w
…or perhaps a more legible source; the itinerary from our agent, Ultimate Travel, which describes the planned trip, rather than the actuality of it:
Harris and Wormleighton – Malawi Final Itinerary
I did review also the places we stayed on Trip Advisor:
Finally, here are scans of the handful of documents we picked up along the way: