Not A Very Good UGM, Several Weekend Visitors, Work, Convalesce & Play, A Keele Fortnight During November 1981

Ballroom Image Borrowed From Keele Oral History Project – John Samuel

This was the business end of my P1 (first year of actual degree) initial term. It seems I did some work.

But that didn’t stop me from having weekend visitors aplenty – Caroline Freeman (Now Curtis) and Alan Tucker braved the journey to Keele on Friday 13 November 1981.


But before that, on Monday 9 November:

Not a bad day – UGM in eve – not a very good one

UGMs tended to be quite argumentative affairs as I remember them, although (by many accounts) relatively peaceable compared with the political bun-fights at some of the larger University’s Students’ Union meetings.

Was this one “not very good” because it was insufficiently pugnacious for my taste at that time, or because it was too pugnacious. In truth I don’t remember, but with Mark Thomas as President at that time, I suspect it was too tranquil by my taste.

Some of us were “cruising for a bruising” over the painful grant cuts being imposed by the UGC at that time and I suspect that, in November anyway, some of us felt that the Union wasn’t doing enough.

On the Tuesday evening I went to see the movie Brubaker. I must admit to little recall of this movie. Whereas the film I went to see the following Tuesday, Bad Timing, really stuck in my mind as a shocking story about sexual violence.

Simon Jacobs was clearly very much involved in the Caroline and Alan visit; not least because they were very much his “friends from home” as much, or in many ways more, than mine.

We went to a disco in the Union on the Friday evening, to Simons, then the Union, then a “party thing” on the Saturday evening. Then, on the Sunday:

Simon, Heather Caroline & Alan came for lunch.

How I catered for five of us in the tiny kitchen in F Block Lindsay I have no idea. I have even less idea how (or where) we all ate lunch in my study bedroom. Not all at the same time, perhaps.

I have written up a similar, early visit from earlier that calendar year; some of those memories might actually relate to the November 1981 adventure in catering:

Then, after Caroline and Alan had gone home, I went down with a rotten cold. It seems I had intended to go to London for a couple of days 18/19 November but didn’t go because of the cold.

The diary says I “watched football” on the Wednesday evening – a World Cup qualifier match – they might have put up a big screen in Lindsay Bar for that. Of course, the sort of screen that qualified as a big screen in those days is the size that many people today would turn their noses up at if proposed for their home. But I digress.

Wendy Robbins arrived for a visit on Friday 20 November.

We “did little” on the Friday night but then made up for it on the Saturday:

Went on cuts march – did work in afternoon, went to two parties in evening – up till late.

Sunday 22 November – Wendy left…

That sounds more like it. A proper Keele weekend day. Guess I must have recovered from that Keele autumn cold quite quickly.