I went to this show with Alison Benjamin. My log reads:
Alison was going out with one of the Rose Bruford mob – Simon McLinden I think.
That explains why she went to a Rose Bruford production. I went because I was invited and because it was Andorra, a play in which I had appeared at school more than 11 years earlier:
I seem to remember the Rose Bruford mob doing a decent job of Andorra although in truth I remember little about this production.
I’m sure I secretly felt that my school production was just as good if not better but would have been far too polite to say so…
…actually that’s nonsense. I probably secretly realised that our school production was properly “kids amateur” whereas the Rose Bruford production would have been close to professional quality.
The diary is silent about what we did afterwards – I suspect that some eating and drinking was involved, quite possibly with some of the cast.